Task 9-10

1. Students present their National Constitution or the most important Human Rights. They prepare eBooks and share them with partners.

2. Students provide a part of the lesson (LdL) conected to the Human Rights, Freedom and Life Values. They prepare presentations and quizes about How safe do you feel in your country, town, school. Do people and govermnet respect Human Rights.

Women's Rights

Rights - let's put them on the "table"

LdL lesson about Human Rights by Natalia

LdL lesson about Polish Constitution by Katarzyna and Marta

Presentation of the results (Feb & Mar 2014)

3. Students prepare a presentation about Amnesty International and present it during the lesson (LdL).

Remember: All tasks are well documented and published on media.

1. Students with the help of teachers organise Local Olympics. This Olympics are taken between partners.

2. Partners agree to choose students to represent particular dyscyplines.

3. All sports competitions must be recorded and presented on youtube channel.

Remember: All tasks are well documented and published on media.